"Forensic Files" (Documentary Series)
"The UnXplained" (Documentary Series)
"Pit Bulls and Parolees" (Documentary Series)
"The Tesla Files" (Documentary Series)
"Lock-Up" & "Life After Lock-Up" (Documentary Series)
" Wicked Tuna" - National Geographic Explorer (Documentary Series)
"The Curse of Civil War Gold" (Documentary Series)
"The 1980's: The Deadliest Decade" (Documentary Series)
"Nightwatch" (TV Series)
"I, Witness" (TV Series)
"Six Degrees of Murder" (Documentary Series)
"Ancient Aliens" (Documentary Series)
"James Ellroy's LA: City of Demons" (Documentary Series)
"First Week In" (Documentary Series)
"Killer Kids" (Documentary Series)
"Naked Science: Make Me Superhuman" (Movie Documentary)
"My Cat from Hell" (TV Series)
"Race to the Scene" (TV Series)
"Immortalized" (TV Series)
"Married to the Army: Alaska" (TV Series)
"House of Consignment: (TV Series)
"It Only Hurts When I Laugh" (TV Series)
"Marriage Boot Camp" (TV Series)
"Secret Societies of Hollywood" (Documentary Series)
"Dark Secrets" (Documentary Series)
"Ghost Asylum" (TV Series)
"Pit Boss" (TV Series)
"Combat Cash" (TV Series)
"Bait Car" (TV Series)
"Rehab At The Hard Rock" (TV Series)
"Millionaire Matchmaker" (TV Series)
"Alex and Amy" - Independent Film
"Forget Me Not" – Independent Film
"For Sale" - Independent Film
"Beneath The Surface" - Independent Film-Deliberate Productions
BUBL Educational Project of Upstate New York